Political Observer” At the End of Time, Lack of Sense of Nationalism for Candidates Who Will Come in the 2024 – 2029 Period


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Rabu, 21 Agustus 2024 - 14:24 WIB

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DETIKTIMUR.COM, LANGSA – ACEH – The diminishing sense of nationalism among candidates in the 2024 – 2029 period is like many leaders at the end of the era who feel they can lead the provincial/regional and regional levels, even though they have not been able to develop human resources at the regional level.  / province, especially for the individual himself. Wednesday (21/08/2024)


Observing the politics that are visible to candidates who will run for governor of their respective provinces or regions. at 13.45 WIB.


Conveying through the release of words, today we observe the figures of candidates in the 2024 – 2029 period, always to fool the general public who do not understand what politics is, it turns out it is for the interests of a group and those closest to them,


If we study the truth that a leader must prioritize the community around him, just like the community that allows the candidate to sit on a throne,


If we examine it further regarding the issue of a leader, he should act according to existing rules, and ensure the welfare of his community, then we are in the interests of the closest group or people around him,

Baca Juga :  Merasa Di Jebak Reje /Kepala Desa Kala Pegasing istri Wartawan Buat Laporan Polisi ke Polda Aceh


We examine further, and we explore more deeply what a leader must do for the community, and create a vision and mission for the community, in order to increase the community’s sense of empathy for the leader.


We hope that leaders who will be trusted by the public will act according to the actual rules.


Hen – Kaperwil Aceh


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